GCH TriLa's Good Time Travelin' Man, CGCA, TKN, FDC, TT
WindyCity N Journey's Done Dirt Cheap x TriLa WindyCity N Journey's Only the Beginning, CGC

Call Name: Luca Color: Mantle (color testing pending)
AKC Registration: WS66870402
DOB: 11/14/2019
Owners: Cathy DeMott, Linda Landrum, BJ Barnhart
Breeders: Trisha LaBruzzo, Kim McClure, Kim Wood
OFA CHIC # 167589
Hips: Excellent
Elbows: Normal
Heart: Normal
Eyes: Normal
Thyroid: Normal
Luca is truly our "miracle mantle". He had a rough entrance into the world being stuck during birth, and we really didn't think that he was alive. He came out screaming and demanded his presence be known. Our dear friends, Cathy and Linda fell in love right away and decided he needed to come to live with them in sunny Florida! He has been such a joy to watch grow up! He is such a gorgeous boy with extraordinary conformation and ground-eating movement. His head piece is just gorgeous with correct planes, gorgeous eye shape, correct bite, and full dentition.
Luca has not been used yet, but we anticipate using him this coming year in our breeding program! He is tightly linebred, so he should produce pretty consistent get. We are very excited to see what we get from him.